Features: As a customer using a Non-Geographic mtn, I want the ability to change to a different Non-Geographic mtn, so that I can circumvent spam issues, should they arise. As the business, I want to be able to change an existing Non-Geographic mtn to a Geographic mtn, so that customer service reps have flexibility in resolving unexpected Non-Geo issues. As the business, I want to be able to change an existing Geographic mtn to a Non-Geographic mtn, so that our geographic NANP inventory can be preserved. # 06/01/19 Retroactive draft # Release: 13.6, Aug 2013 # Epic: Non Geo MTN Change # BA: Karen Prieto UXD: TBD Q&A / Assumptions / Notes: - Use of these features for individual MTNs is likely to be rare - most Non-Geographic related MTN changes expected to be handled in bulk through separate interface. - If a Non-Geographic MTN changes, then the alternate BID may change also. - The assignDeassignMtn service will not change. - For LLP lines changing from NonGeo to Geo or vice versa, existing logic will require line validation due to the MXA change - For ALP lines changing from NonGeo to Geo or vice versa, per existing logic, the line will remain validated despite the MXA change. Coding needed to force re-validation. Related Stories: - TBD # Background: User in a logs into CS Desktop and launches When the customer is successfully validated in the IVR or Customer Verification screen Then verify that TopView is displayed When the user selects Service Change from the navigation pane Then verify the Service Change-Device screen displays When the user selects the MTN tab Then verify the Service Change-MTN screen displays Scenario: Initiate NonGeo-NonGeo Change Given that sufficient NonGeo inventory IS available Given that the MTN in focus has a non-geo number Given that the MTN in focus has a device When Service Change-MTN screen displays Then verify that the New MTN text fields are read-only When the user selects the New MTN >> icon Then verify that a request is sent to GetMTN with # To get the alternate BID And verify that a request is sent to retrieveNonGeoMtn/None (instead of retrieveGmtn) # To get the MTN And verify that the new NonGeo number displays in the New MTN text fields When the user selects the Update button Then verify that the NonGeo-NonGeo change appears in the Service Change Cart. Scenario: Initiate NonGeo-NonGeo Change w/ Inventory Failure Given that sufficient NonGeo inventory is NOT available # Coordinate with ITM to simulate no inventory Given that the MTN in focus has a non-geo number When Service Change-MTN screen displays Then verify that the New MTN text fields are read-only When the user selects the New MTN >> icon Then verify that a request is sent to GetMTN with # To get the alternate BID And verify that a request is sent to retrieveNonGeoMtn/None (instead of retrieveGmtn) # To get the MTN Then verify that the displays in a popup When the user acknowledges the alert Then verify that the popup closes and the view returns to Service-Change-MTN And verify that the New MTN text fields are empty. Scenario: UI Changes on Obtain Mobile Number Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a non-geo number When the user selects the New MTN search icon Then verify that displays in a popup with Yes/No buttons When the user selects the No button Then verify that the popup closes and the view returns to Service Change-MTN When the user selects the Yes button Then verify that the popup closes and the Obtain Mobile Number screen displays And verify that a "Non-Geo" radio button appears to the right of the VoIP radio button And verify that the Non-Geo radio is accessible via JAWS screen reader And verify that the three radio buttons at the top of the screen are centered And verify that the Wireless radio is selected by default And verify that the NPA/NXX defaults to the account's When the user selects the ? icon at the bottom of the screen Then verify that the help file opens in a separate window And verify that the help file describes the purpose of the Non-Geo radio And verify that the help file acknowledges the alternate "Get Non-Geo #" label for the Select button Scenario: Initiate NonGeo-NonGeo Change via Obtain Mobile Number Given that sufficient NonGeo inventory IS available Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a non-geo number Given that the MTN in focus has a device Given that Obtain Mobile Number screen has been launched When the screen displays Then verify that the Non-Geo radio button is selectable When the user selects the Non-Geo radio button Then verify that becomes greyed out and unselectable And verify that the label of the Select button changes to "Get Non-Geo #" And verify that the Get Non-Geo # button is selectable When the user selects the Get Non-Geo # button Then verify that a request is sent to DMD's Universal API # To check device compatibility (which will be true in this case) And verify that a request is sent to GetMTN with # To get the alternate BID And verify that a request is sent to retrieveNonGeoMtn/None (instead of retrieveGmtn) # To get the MTN And verify that Obtain Mobile Number closes And verify that the view returnes to Service Change-MTN And verify that the new NonGeo number displays in the New MTN text fields When the user selects the Update button Then verify that the NonGeo-NonGeo change appears in the Service Change Cart. Scenario: Initiate Change to NonGeo via Obtain Mobile Number w/ Inventory Failure Given that sufficient NonGeo inventory is NOT available # Coordinate with ITM to simulate no inventory Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a device Given that Obtain Mobile Number screen is displayed with Non-Geo radio selected When the user selects the Get Non-Geo # button Then verify that a request is sent to DMD's Universal API # To check device compatibility (which will be true in this case) And verify that a request is sent to GetMTN with # To get the alternate BID And verify that a request is sent to retrieveNonGeoMtn/None (instead of retrieveGmtn) # To get the MTN Then verify that the displays in a popup When the user acknowledges the alert Then verify that the popup closes and the view returns to Obtain Mobile Number Scenario: Submit NonGeo-NonGeo Change Given that the MTN in focus has a plan Given that the Service Change Cart contains a NonGeo-NonGeo change Given that the Service Change Cart also contains change When the user submits the order Then verify that "nonGeoMtnIndicator" = "Y" within the SubmitMultiLineMixedOrder request And verify within the SubmitMultiLineMixedOrder request that "alternateBID" is populated with the value received from DMD's Universal API And verify that TNI_NONGEO/MTN_CHANGE_NONGEO metric is captured in the CS_USAGE_METRICS table And verify that the order completes with no errors Scenario: Initiate NonGeo-Geo Change Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a geographic number When the user selects the New MTN search icon Then verify that the Obtain Mobile Number screen displays And verify that the Wireless radio is selected by default And verify that the NPA/NXX defaults to the account's And verify that functions BAU When the user selects a row in the search results grid Then verify that the Select button becomes selectable, BAU When the user activates the Select button Then verify that a request is sent to retrieveGmtn # To get the MTN And verify that the geographic number displays in the New MTN text fields, BAU When the user selects the Update button Then verify that the NonGeo-Geo change appears in the Service Change Cart Scenario: Initiate Geo-NonGeo Change Given that sufficient NonGeo inventory IS available Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a geographic number Given that the MTN in focus has a nongeo-compatible device Given that the MTN in focus has a device When Service Change-MTN screen displays Then verify that the New MTN text fields are editable, BAU When the user selects the New MTN search icon Then verify that the Obtain Mobile Number screen displays And verify that the Non-Geo radio button is selectable When the user selects the Non-Geo radio button Then verify that becomes greyed out and unselectable And verify that the label of the Select button changes to "Get Non-Geo #" And verify that the Get Non-Geo # button is selectable When the user selects the Get Non-Geo # button Then verify that a request is sent to DMD's Universal API # To check device compatibility (which will be true in this case) And verify that a request is sent to GetMTN with # To get the alternate BID And verify that a request is sent to retrieveNonGeoMtn/None (instead of retrieveGmtn) # To get the MTN And verify that Obtain Mobile Number closes And verify that the view returnes to Service Change-MTN And verify that the new NonGeo number displays in the New MTN text fields When the user selects the Update button Then verify that the NonGeo-NonGeo change appears in the Service Change Cart. Scenario: Initiate Geo-NonGeo Change w/ NonCompatible Contract Profile Given that the customer in focus does NOT have a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT When the user selects the New MTN search icon on Service Change-MTN Then verify that the Obtain Mobile Number screen displays And verify that the Non-Geo radio button is NOT selectable Scenario: Initiate Geo-NonGeo Change w/ NonCompatible Device Given that the customer in focus has a Non-Geo Numbering compliant Contracts profile as per "NonGeoNumberingInd" in GET-ACCT Given that the MTN in focus has a geographic number Given that the MTN in focus does NOT have a nongeo-compatible device When the user selects the New MTN search icon on Service Change-MTN Then verify that the Obtain Mobile Number screen displays When the user selects the Non-Geo radio button and Get Non-Geo # button Then verify that a request is sent to DMD's Universal API # To check device compatibility (which will be true in this case) And verify that displays in a popup When the user acknowledges the alert Then verify that the popup closes And verify that the view returns to Obtain Mobile Number And verify that the Non-Geo radio button is no longer selectable When the user closes Obtain Mobile Number, closes Service Change, reopens Service Change, and reopens Obtain Mobile Number Then verify that the Non-Geo radio button is still not selectable Scenario: Reinstate Non-Geo Radio after Change to Compatible Device **TBD!** Scenario: Submit NonGeo-Geo Change Given that the MTN in focus has a plan Given that the Service Change Cart contains a NonGeo-Geo change Given that the Service Change Cart also contains change When the user validates and submits the order Then verify that "nonGeoMtnIndicator" = "N" within the SubmitMultiLineMixedOrder request And verify that TNI_NONGEO/MTN_CHANGE_GEO metric is captured in the CS_USAGE_METRICS table And verify that the order completes with no errors. Scenario: Require Validation for Geo-NonGeo on ALP Given that the MTN in focus has an account-level plan Given that the Service Change Cart contains a Geo-NonGeo change When the Cart displays Then verify that the Submit button is not selectable When the user selects the "F" icon Then verify that the includes "nonGeoMtnIndicator" **Integrate this with initiate scenario - validation should happen before item hits the cart. **Also add flow for promo retrieval within the cart before submit Scenario: Submit Geo-NonGeo Change Given that the MTN in focus has a plan Given that the Service Change Cart contains a Geo-NonGeo change Given that the Service Change Cart also contains change When the user validates and submits the order Then verify that "nonGeoMtnIndicator" = "Y" within the SubmitMultiLineMixedOrder request And verify within the SubmitMultiLineMixedOrder request that "alternateBID" is populated with the value received from DMD's Universal API And verify that TNI_NONGEO/MTN_CHANGE_GEO_NONGEO metric is captured in the CS_USAGE_METRICS table And verify that the order completes with no errors. Scenario: } Given that } When } Then verify that } Scenario: } Given that } When } Then verify that } Examples |department | |23 | |46 | |customer type | |PE without Contracts ID under 30 lines | |PE with Contracts ID under 30 lines | |ME | |SL | |BE without Contracts ID under 30 lines | |BE with Contracts ID under 30 lines | |level | |line-level | |account-level | |cbr | |home CBR # | |work CBR # | |element | |Search By - NPA/NXX radio | |Search By - Zip radio | |Search By - City/State radio | |NPA-NXX text box | |City text box | |Zip text box | |State drop-down | |Search button | |Clear button | |search results grid | |device type|GetMTN inputs | |4G |MTN zip code (PPU), Non-Geo indicator, deviceInd, iccID | |non-4G |MTN zip code (PPU), Non-Geo indicator | |combo order | |none | |non-geo to non-geo | |geo to non-geo | |non-geo to geo | |CPE | |UPG | |AAL | |LLP plan change | |ALP plan change | |feature change | |device hardstop | |The current device is not compatible with a Non-Geographic MTN. To proceed, choose a Geographic MTN. | |insufficient hardstop | |A new MTN cannot be assigned because a Non-Geographic number is not available. | |softstop dialog | |This line of service will be changed from a Non-Geographic MTN to a Geographic MTN. Do you wish to proceed?|